Life is a Maybe because death is for sure, sin is the cause so Christ is the cure...

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Thursday, March 24, 2011


This is my favorite thing in the whole world!!! I love it and it always manages to complete my outfit ;) I also love what it stand for!!!

(written for c28 Street teams credit)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What have you been doin' lately????

Wow, it certainly has been a while 'eh? All I can say is 'thank you' to Momma E who reminded me that "hey....I still have a blog....huh, forgot about that!!" Hmmm...well it appears that my last post took place in March, the 22nd to be exact. I guess after a while you can get so busy and caught up in everything that you are doing.

I know that has been my excuse....that, and Facebook (dun dun duuuuunnnn!!)

I'll admit that I neglected my blogging duties, and trusted myself into the new and strange world of 'social networking'. As much as I enjoy Facebook...TOO MUCH FARMVILLE!! Apologizes to those of you who do take part in tending to your fake farms, but seriously?!?! I don't understand it, its not real after all. actually, come to think of it, I can slam Farmville and whatnot cause the people that I know have blogger are those who do not take part in the 'phenomenon'. Or do you? Is there something you aren't telling me? Hmmm??

...awkward Julie, you might as well be talking to yourself. I'm hungry.....

So what exactly have I been up to lately? Not that you care all that much, but I'll tell you anyway ^_^ (but obviously you DO care about me if you are even viewing my blog in the first place, HA!! Let's be BFFs ;D)
I've been cleaning my room a lot lately...which isn't all that normal. Some people might try to tell me is psychologically and then go into how the mind works and mumbo jumbo that I'll just nod my head to and pretend I understand.

I love my computer, it totally just spell check 'psychologically' for me. I could get use to this.....maybe that is why I'm feeling the need to type something out, cause I have an awesome key board. This feeling will soon be lost though, as soon as I begin school and then have to crank out essay after essay after report after essay..... Where was I going with this?

OH!, quite the rabbit trail....

Noooo...that isn't a fun subject anymore, I doubt you really want to know about that!!

check out my door
(this is going to be a really ADD/ADHD post, I'm truely sorry you have to deal with this :P heeheehee)

I don't know if anyone here knows this, but I use to have a bunch of song lyrics on the back of my door before these. The new ones are now B-i-b-l-e (that's the book for me!!) verses.....I hope you can click on the picture and it gets bigger. But I must say I like it quite a lot.

Soooooooooo yeah. I really want to keep my blog up to date...but typing out all of this, and then having to check my grammar is not all that fun. We shall see

ooooooooh, Pizza is here!! FOOOOOOOD!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

V-day party!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

No one has to remind me why I like dogs so much :-D

Saturday, December 5, 2009

50th Post!

YAY! My 50th post! And why shall it be about you ask?


Now you may be saying to yourself "Why then Julie would you choose, out of many other things, to write about snow?"


Normally its abnormal for me to enjoy snow, but I think its just pretty to look at, and not venture out in like I will have to do tomorrow...oh the joy of wet shoes.......maybe it won't stick....
so cute! ...even for a cat..........